I’m Baaaaaaack!!!

Been awhile since I blogged…or had anything to blog about!

Just been the usual, mostly. Random, blah, random, mildly boring, dead-boring, and…14 hour road trip.

Yup, you read right. Had to drive to Georgia for my Aunt’s viewing and funeral. I’m not good around death. Or prissy family who hates me anyway. I’m just along to support Mom.

Anyways, that’s not what I wanted to blog about. Just thought I’d update anyone who was interested. Here’s what I REALLY wanted to blog about: Men. Specifically one. This guy is my ideal match. He’s funny, smart, down-to-earth, always keeps in touch if something interesting is happening, and if I need advice, he tries to help out. He seems to care and is an all-around amazing guy. 

Just one little flaw keeping us apart: He’s so blind when it comes to what’s under his nose it’s not funny! “I can’t find a girl who’s my type!” -.- “I found someone who changed my preferences once, but she wasn’t interested.” -_- “I’d have no problems being a total flirt and getting your hopes up but crush them in the end.” -_-*

Okay, he didn’t say that last one. But seriously. Everything he wants in personality is everything I am. The only thing that’s keeping us apart right now is his fixation on looks. I’m not a great looker, but there are more important things. I just don’t know how to change his mind on that. Any hints, tips, ideas? I would love to hear them. Seriously. Hand ’em in, guys. And gals. Every time I start to get over this guy, he has to go and be all…him again. Some advice would be divine!


Thanks, y’all!


One of Those…?

Many people have heard the phrase, “It’s been one of those days.” You know the ones: nothing seems to go right no matter how much you try, and it’s just an all-around bad day no matter how positive you look at things. The phrase can be changed to “weeks,” “months,” or even “years.” It’s possible, right?

Well, what if it’s “Just one of those lives”? It sounds melodramatic, I know. But I know there are some people out there who, no matter what they try, nothing seems to go how they want. For example:

When I was two, all I wanted to be was in some branch of the military. I never met any of my family members who had this honor, but it was always a dream of mine. Well, in Freshman year in highschool, that dream was absolutely murdered. I had a severe knee injury that keeps me from even being in the police force and especially keeps me from most jobs.

I am very lucky for all the things I have and my family who loves me, and I know this. But at the same time, alcohol is a killer. If someone in the family drinks, I’m always the first one to know. Why? I get told how worthless I am and how much money I cost, yadda yadda yadda.

Well, let me tell you all a little something: When you’re told something enough, you start to believe it.

I don’t know, I just kind of felt like ranting. Any similar experiences, people? Any confirmations or arguments? I’d love to hear ’em! 🙂


Peace out,

Blue Jae

A New Dream…

New job dream? You bet! I was playing Clue with my parents when I realized…in 20 years, I have NEVER been beaten at this game. No kidding. So, I’ve decided (okay, not only because of Clue) that I want to be a Private Investigator. I’ve always had an interest in this line of work, and I do have a state-licensed security-guard status, but I’m still not entirely sure on how to become a private investigator yet. I’ve done some research and it says the best ways to do so are to have experience in the force. Well I can’t pass their physical exam due to a knee injury from Freshman year, kind of screwing me over for a job in the process. There’s also being an apprentice and taking classes.

I found a place to take classes. All I gotta do now is wait for the information to come in and work the Formula One race in the meantime. Not to mention find a good psychiatrist who is 1) taking patients, and 2) takes our insurance; and get in touch with my orthopedic surgeon again. Plus more research into this Private Investigator thing. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find someone to let me be their apprentice! 🙂

Getting an Oil Change…

Woke up this morning to find out that my car had been wrecked last night. Well, that promptly sucked because I need it to go to work later in the week and we don’t have any other cars that I’m “allowed” to drive… -_-‘ Dad has been working on fixing my car all day, and as soon as it got finished, he said, “Oh, yeah. You need to go get an oil change, too.” So off I went 30 miles or so to go to the oil change….

Only to find out I needed to get the tires rotated, too. Today’s been an odd day, to say the least.

On the plus side, I was presented with peppermint stick cookies today at H-E-B, our local grocery store. These things are…AMAZING. The lady who was giving them out gave me another one because I put the gram-crackers back on the shelf to get a bag of these cookies. I don’t know if you all have these nearby, but if you do, GO GET SOME! They are awesome, and highly recommended. ^_^

Furthermore, my mini-schnauzer has also learned how to high-five. He’s a six-year old dog, and has finally learned a trick I’ve been trying to teach him for SIX YEARS. That poor dog’s ADHD is way worse than mine. Then again, I think he was just trying to make me feel better after yesterday’s…drama. Had a fight with Mum. Nothing major, just words tossed back and forth. But she initially took my computer (not fair in the least, as her reasoning was “I was mad”) and wrecked my car, leading to today’s blog…

ANYWAY! I hope you all have an amazing Saturday! Tonight’s my anime night, so I’ll likely post something about the awesomeness of it all tomorrow. 🙂

I just threatened to move to Canada if Obama gets re-elected. Although, Ireland is my first choice.

Stuff White People Like

Often times, white people get frustrated with the state of their country. They do not like the President, or Congress, or the health care system, or the illegal status of Marijuana. Whenever they are presented with a situation that seems unreasonable to them, their first instinct is to threaten to move to Canada.

For example, if you are watching TV with white people and there is a piece on the news about that they do not agree with, they are likely to declare “ok, that’s it, I’m moving to Canada.”

Though they will never actually move to Canada, the act of declaring that they are willing to undertake the journey is very symbolic in white culture. It shows that their dedication to their lifestyle and beliefs are so strong, that they would consider packing up their entire lives and moving to a country that is only slightly different to the…

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A New Way of Thinking

Okay, so recently, I was described as a child. Well, after vehemently objecting to this statement, I got to thinking.

What’s wrong with being a child?

I mean, think about it. Children view the world in an amazing way. They see something, they imagine an entire world and state of being for that one thing. Their imaginations run rampant and they entertain themselves with the most simple of things. And if something upsets them, it’s only a matter of a very short period of time before they find something else that interests them.

Kids always see the glass as half-full, and they can always find some reason to be happy. And often, kids are more wise than adults. Grandma died? Kid says: “She can go to heaven now and be with Grandpa.” Example, not trying to mess with anyone’s beliefs there, but it’s the best comparison I could make. 

Kids make friends with everyone. They don’t notice skin color, mental function, ideology, age, sex, or financial situation. They just notice that the other person looks nice and they’ll go and ask to be their friend. The same goes for pets. They see a starving puppy on the road? They’re going to try and bring it home and save some poor animal’s life.

Look, I could go on for hours about all this stuff. All I’m saying is that maybe more people should try to think like a child, instead of subjecting themselves to Right-Wing or Left-Wing ideals, ya know? Make friends, not acquaintances. Make love, not war. Make art, not destruction. It’s okay to be a child at heart. You don’t have to grow up, just know when and how to act appropriately. Otherwise, just take life as it comes and always keep a child’s eye when you look at the world.


Blown off for a TV
Are you kidding me?
Told not to talk
And when I walk away you gawk

Why are you so surprised?
It’s not like you’re some prize
And I refuse to be
Treated the way you treat me

Pushing me too far
Forget raising the bar
I’ll never be what you want
And my affections won’t be bought

Think you’re everything I should be?
I’ll be more, just wait and see
Worded so perfectly on a computer screen
The words that are so true for me

Not just getting blown off for a TV
Hurts like rubbing salt
In a deep paper cut between your fingers
With a splintery piece of wood covered in acid

Poetic, no?
Maybe it’ll show
You to get the stick out of your rear
And start using those ears to hear

The truth hurts
More than taking money out of that purse
That green is all you care about
In this godforsaken house

Get that stick out of your ass
Quit sticking it in my eye
Use the wood to build a bridge and pass
Because I’m sick of your fake-happy pie

Tastes like dirt
All the pain and hurt
Getting so common
For me to deal with your problem

Getting tired of it all
Thought I was rid of the fall
Now this former self-destructive girl
Is trying not to go back to her self-destructive world